Author Interview ~ Samantha Fidler-Newby
I'm still on the quest for #30authors. It's an explorational journey that is going to live well past the #30days. I'm thinking on the lines of #30authors60days! Nonetheless I am enjoying the journey - especially finding out about so many new authors. We are here today with Samantha Fidler-Newby. I asked for a personal bio to share: I am a wordsmith who loves to create places for my characters to live outside of my imagination. When I am not writing, I enjoy hanging out with my family and shopping for a great bargain. Currently, I am going to school for a Master in Applied Arts in Technical Communications at Missouri Western State University. I hope to start freelancing as a Communication Specialist once I have graduated. Being a sponge for knowledge has also lead me to complete a B.A. in Communication, emphasis Journalism (Truman State University) and a Masters in English (Northwest Missouri State University). You can say I am a glutton for learning. When I am not working a full-time job or busy with school work, I knit, rehab and re-purpose furniture, and go antiquing with my husband. The more things I try, the happier I am. We'll be discussing the book The Thornless Rose: Fire Blush

A single night can change a person indefinitely. After a vicious attack, a new and dangerous ability awakens in Viviana. Now she can manipulate fire and it’s fueled by her emotions. On top of this, she is having a difficult time controlling herself with all the skeletons she keeps finding in her family’s closet. With this new ability, she must seek training to keep herself from harming others. Scared to leave everyone she loves behind but afraid of losing control at any moment, she must embark on a journey to the Sun Shrine in the kingdom of Calestius for help. Along the way, she will learn secrets of the past that will change her forever. More information is available on the Author's Website: I've been provided with a short excerpt to share! Let's take a look inside: A pair of sapphire eyes appeared, unnoticed, in the crack of the oak doors as two men in the room quietly argued about what lay on the table by the fireplace. Firelight danced on the walls as Viviana watched the men's faces and listened to the argument escalate. She listened to their voices, but she could not pull her eyes away from the object on the table. The blood-soaked sheet rose and fell, as if alive. The sound of a fist hitting the wooden table snapped her attention back to the two men in the room. “You must call for her and you know it,” the shorter of the two men growled. She gasped as she realized blood caked them from their heads to their boots. “I know he needs her, but I am scared of what she must face. He knows so much. If he tells her anything, all will be for naught…all he has sacrificed.” Viviana’s father sighed and sat in his chair. His body shuddered under the weight of his decision. “I will call on her if he becomes worse in the next hour. I do not want to bring her here unless I absolutely have to.” He looked towards the door. She quickly pressed against the frame and waited for the men to start talking again, giving her the chance to escape down the hall. That brings us to my favourite part ~ Q & A. I've been told I ask a few difficult questions, but that's what makes the answers so much more spectacular! Question: Who is your favourite character in your book and why? Answer: My favorite character is, of course, Viviana. She is an extroverted and charming young lady who loves her family. This is a big part of who I am and so, I get to live through her. There are things, of course, she can only do and I enjoy giving her some skills I wish I had. Question: Please describe him/her/they a) physically b) their personality. Answer: Viviana has sapphire eyes and auburn hair. She is plump but can be athletic when she needs to be. Being a lord’s daughter, she had the opportunity to go to school and learn more than most. This can make her dangerous and a little overbearing at- times, but her good nature makes up for it in the end. Question: Could I have a couple of quotes from your book of dialogue that shows that personality? Answer: “You are crying, and you do not cry, Father. Did someone die?” “Ah, well I will talk to him then. I have my own ways of gathering information.” Question: What genre would you say the book falls into? Answer: Fantasy. There are kingdoms, knights, queens, creatures, and powers beyond normal humans can possess. Question: Are there any trigger warnings and/or explicit content readers should know about? Answer: There is a bit of a flashback of Viviana being attacked by a group of men but there is nothing explicit about the memory. This trilogy is meant for a wide spectrum of people to enjoy and I only put in what I think is needed to get the point across without too much detail. Question: Do you have any upcoming events? Answer: The solar eclipse passes through my hometown this year and my writers guild created an anthology with a celestial theme to it. So, we will be out during the weekend (Aug 19th-21st) selling the anthology and our own books too. Then, I have a flea market in Iowa at the end of September. October is when it really picks up again around my hometown for festivals, expos, and conventions. Question: What is next for you? Do you have anything in the works? Answer: Yes. I have the second in the Thornless Rose trilogy that I am working on right now. I hope to have pre-ordering ready for the fall and have it out before the holidays pick up. Besides that, I am always working on my freelancing skills and looking for work. Question: Do you have any special mentions? (Editor, cover art etc...) Answer: I would not have my book out if it wasn’t for Julie Casey and Amazing Things Press. They are a local indie publisher and she owns it. She is a member of the guild I am in and came to my rescue when I was trying to self-publish. I was struggling with the cover art from a company I hired to do my editing/formatting/cover art. They just didn’t get it and she did. So, I signed with her and I had copies in my hand for my event just in time. Question: If you could go anywhere in the world where would it be? Please describe the place rather than just a name. The weather, the time of day, the ground, the surroundings, foliage, etc... Answer: I want to visit Ireland and all the amazing old castles that are out there. My husband and I are hooked on the medieval style and love the lore that goes with them. We’d love to go when the weather is not too wet, but I don’t mind a little rain. I just want to be out when we could spend time in the places at night and maybe do some paranormal investigating. Question: If the character from above were in that place what would they be doing? Answer: If Viviana was in a place like that, she would be exploring the surroundings and trying to find out more about the place. She loves knowledge and seeking it wherever she is. Question: If your character was allowed one chance to say anything to your readers, what would he/she say? Answer: I think Viviana would want to tell readers that her powers, even as a healer, are a part of herself that she doesn’t always want, but cannot simply rid herself of them. This is a struggle that she knows others must face in their lives and it’s something that connects us all in a way. She must go on a physical and mental journey to find help with them and knows that she is not alone in her quest. She hopes that others will do the same if they need help on their journey in life. Though it won’t be easy, it will be worth it in the end. Question: If your character could donate to any charity, which one would he/she choose? Answer: Anything to do with animals, especially horses. What great answers! Let's have a big round of applause for today's author! If you are looking for more information simply follow the links! FB: Twitter: Website: Thank you for joining me on my quest to find #30authors! Until next time, happy reading!