Summer Splash Book Blog Tour ~ Author Interview ~ Crystal St.Clair, Authoress
Make your Summer Reading SIZZLE with these hot reads from fresh new authors!

Making a huge splash this week, my surprise guest featured author is Crystal St. Clair, Authoress

Crystal St. Clair is a busy mother who lives in the multicultural country of Canada, not in an igloo but wishes she had a pet beaver who likes syrup and pancakes. She can usually be found playing soccer with her kids while their dog steals the spot light, making others laugh, writing poetry and other stories go to her loved ones or someone in need of a smile. She is a proud sponsor member of Plan Canada – I Am A Girl foundation and London Writers' Society. She is a Paralegal student but hopes to become a full time author writing novels for adults and the young generations. Crystal St. Clair played Momma Bear in a Middle School production of The Bernstein Bears and wrote her first story that started her publishing interest. Website / Amazon / Facebook / Twitter The Summer Splash Book Tour gave me the opportunity to go one on one with Crystal St. Clair and ask the questions readers want to know the answers to: Question: What genre would you say the book falls into? Answer Adullt Contemporary Romance Question: Are there any trigger warnings and/or explicit content readers should know about? Answer INTUITION: trigger warnings of abuse Question: Do you have any upcoming events? Feel free to elaborate Answer The MUSES We LOVE In SUITS Ignite Your Soul Author Event- Sept 17 Can find more on my event here Question: What is next for you? Do you have anything in the works? Answer Currently working on Kingdom of Celosia: Royal Curse (vol2). Question: Are there any Easter eggs in your book(s)? Answer Yes! A lot actually. I should actually make a list of those. Question: What was your favourite book when you were growing up? Answer The Bernstein Bears Series, Spot, The Very Hungry Caterpillar, Chicka Chicka Boom Boom, ISpy, Goosebumps and Mercer Meyer's Little Critter Collection. Question: What piece of advice from other authors do you hear the most but choose to ignore? Answer Just write lol Question: What's your favourite food? Answer Steak with mashed potatoes smothered in gravy, pasta, chocolate. Have you ever mentioned it in your book(s)? Yes. Sebastian in INTUITION orders my fav dinner and is Destiny's 'regular steak guy'. Question: If your life was a book, what would be the tag line? Answer Reincarnated to take on the world (the metaphor sounded better in my head lol) Question: What advice would you give new writers? Answer Just write lol. Always write from the heart, build your network and return the help. Your brand happens on its own. Question: What has been the worst mistake you have made in your writing career? Answer Joining up for book signings too early haha. They are addicting because the are one of our best networking tools and lots of fun! I also tend to sign up for almost too many, oops! Question: What is the best moment you have had with a fan? Answer Oh boy, I have so many! But I would say the first time that I saw my books on a screen shot of a reader's Kindle library. They posted the picture in one of my posts during a Facebook Take-over event and it was so astonishing to see. Question: If you could change the date to any year past or future, what date would you change it to and why? Answer Honestly, I wouldn't. Most of my past is full of hurt and lessons I've had to learn, I rather not go through that again. I am stronger now than I was before, and we are forever changing. Not only would changing the past change today, but the future should remain a surprise. I prefer to live in the moment and inhale the experience of writing my adventures. If I jump to the future than my kids will be grown, my books will be finished, friendships with new readers would have been made and I may not have the same feelings of accomplishment if rushed. Thank you Crystal St. Clair for joining me this week! Don't forget to join me next week as the Summer Splash Book Blog Tour continues!