Spotlight on the Author ~ S.D. Ferrell
June 23rd & 24th some of Southern Ontario's finest author's will gather together for a two night literary festival featuring games, giveaways, raffles, a silent auction and a Q & A session about any of your writing questions. Normally I personalize my interviews to make my readers feel the characters in the author's books. In this case, however, I would like you to come to visit the Starving Artist Cafe in Brantford Ontario and find out for yourself. Two Day Book Festival / The Starving Artist Cafe / Menu / Please Support Our Thunderclap Campaign Chapter 16 – A Request Zusie is speaking to Aldwin “Aldwin, you know as well as I do that I am not the leader of this group. But, if it helps them to believe that I am, so be it. I believe, we are all traveling in the same direction for the same purpose. Some of us are able to direct others, while others are able to follow. Together, we are all trying to accomplish the same thing. You know what I think? Someone out there, past the mountains, in Jasper’s village is the true leader. And through Jasper they are leading us to safety…calling us home.” Author Website / Facebook S.D. Ferrell is the author of The Whipple Wash Chronicles a new fantasy adventure series for readers of all ages. Ms. Ferrell was born the 1st of October 1960 in Norfolk General Hospital, in Simcoe Ontario Canada. She grew up on a small hobby farm just outside of Simcoe in Windham Centre, with her parents, six sisters and one brother. Her fondest memories of the farm were of the times she spent outside with her siblings, and the adventures they had in the forest that curved around the property. She remembers a majestic willow tree with long flowing branches that grew beside the laneway – they swung from those branches until they were giddy with laughter. There were also cherry trees in the front yard that she climbed and sat on the branches for what seemed like hours on end. Among the leaves she was free to allow her mind to take flights of fancy. Nature; was a wonderful playground for a little girl with a vivid imagination who would one day grow-up to be a writer. Is it any wonder, Ms. Ferrell says that my debut novel starts in a forest and one of the main characters throughout the series is a tree. S.D. is a proud mother to five daughters and a grandmother to fourteen wonderful grandchildren. She presently resides in Simcoe Ontario and is working on the third book in the series, The Long Road Home. Amazon I recently came in contact with Ms Farrell online as part of a social networking project for an event at The Starving Artist Cafe. I must admit, after asking her a few questions, her work has me quite curious. I look forward to picking up a copy of her first book when we meet in June. Carol Ann: What genre would you say the book falls into? Susan: Fantasy Adventure. Carol Ann: Are there any trigger warnings and/or explicit content readers should know about? Susan: The story is for readers of all ages. Carol Ann: What is next for you? Do you have any upcoming events? Susan: Presently I am working on a couple of special projects for the series, but I am not quite ready to disclose what they are. Perhaps by the June 23rd I will have all my ducks in order and announce it at that time. Carol Ann: Is there anyone special you would like to mention? (Editor, cover art etc...) Susan: I would like to thank my daughters; Natasha, Kay’la, Whitnee, Elisha and Gabrielle. They have supported me from the start and never once questioned my overwhelming need to find my voice and write this series. Carol Ann: What was your favourite book when you were growing up? Susan: My favorite book growing up was The Chrysalides by John Wyndham. It is the only story that I actually remember reading. I am sure there were others, but for unexplainable reason that one seemed to stick with me. Carol Ann: If you could meet any character from any book, who would it be? Why? Susan: I am a seeker of truth. I think of all the characters in all the books I have read, I would like to meet Jesus. I would like to hear firsthand about his existence and the miracles he accomplished and how he accomplished them. Carol Ann: When did you realize you were meant to be a writer? Susan: I wrote a little book called, Susan’s Brain – A Parable for the human mind. It was a series of emails that I shared with my contacts about; life, being a single mom, getting older that sort of thing. I compiled the emails into a book and printed 10 copies from Staples. Once I saw my work in a book format I was hooked, and knew I had met my calling. Carol Ann: If your life was a book, what would be the tag line? Susan: “Suzie realized early in life that she was on an adventure, little did she know how grand of an adventure it would be!” Carol Ann: What advice would you give new writers? Susan: If there is a story within you tell, tell it. There is only one person in your life that needs to believe that you are capable of doing it; you. Once you believe, others will follow. Carol Ann: What has been the worst mistake you have made in your writing career? Susan: Not believing in my abilities sooner. Carol Ann: What is the best moment you have had with a fan? Susan: I attended a, “Meet the Author” event with children from an elementary school in Simcoe. They had read The Valley Time Forgot for a novel study, and had created story inspired artwork. After I read from the book we opened the floor for questions. One little girl asked if Jasper was going to be joining us. Well, my heart melted, and then I explained where the inspiration for Jasper came from. Susan has graciously offered to donate her personal art to Authors Support the Fort – A Fort McMurray Fundraiser on May 29th, 2016. Authors Support the Fort Facebook Page / Support our Thunderclap Campaign / The Starving Artist Cafe Thank you for your time!