Grave Digger Academy

There is a reason why people don’t believe in monsters and it’s not because zombies, vampires, mummies, and ghosts don’t exist...
Welcome to Grave Digger Academy- the last place anyone wants to end up.
It's Makaya's first year in the paranormal academy system. When all three of the schools she applies to deny her entry, there's only one left. Unfortunately, she's more interested in finding a way out of Grave Digger Academy than in learning its curriculum.
Gravediggers actually do the digging. Grave Diggers, however, keep buried bodies where they belong—six feet under.
This year’s students are about to learn corpses can be temperamental, and when the dead refuse to cooperate, there’s Hell to pay.

grave digger academy ii
There is a reason why people don’t believe in monsters and it’s not because zombies, vampires, mummies, and ghosts don’t exist... Welcome to Grave Digger Academy- the last place anyone wants to end up.
Gravediggers actually do the digging. Grave Diggers, however, keep buried bodies where they belong—six feet under. It's Makayla's second year in the paranormal academy system, and she isn’t returning alone. No one made the honour roll last semester, and the coveted transfer position was withheld. It’s a good thing, too—GDA needs participants for the inter-academy face off. A win could bring back prestige and funding the institution so desperately needs. A loss, however, would close its doors forever.
This year’s students are about to learn there’s more to their Academy than meets the eye. Something isn't right about the competition. It smells of the rot and decay only a freshly unearthed corpse could cause. Lucky for them, death is right up their alley.

grave digger academy iii
There is a reason why people don’t believe in monsters and it’s not because zombies, vampires, mummies, and ghosts don’t exist...
Welcome to Grave Digger Academy- the last place anyone wants to end up.
Gravediggers actually do the digging. Grave Diggers, however, keep buried bodies where they belong—six feet under.
Makayla is back for a third year in the paranormal academy system, bringing with her brand new insights into her classmates’ lives. With more than just dead bodies being dug up, no secrets are safe.
This year’s students are about to learn some skeletons are better off hidden in a closet, rather than buried in a shallow grave.

grave digger academy iV
There is a reason why people don’t believe in monsters and it’s not because zombies, vampires, mummies, and ghosts don’t exist...
Welcome to Grave Digger Academy- the last place anyone wants to end up.
Gravediggers actually do the digging. Grave Diggers, however, keep buried bodies where they belong—six feet under.